Category: generative adversarial networks
Compression for training on-board machine vision: distributed data collection and dataset restoration for autonomous vehicles
Unmanned vehicles require large amounts of diverse data to train their machine vision modules. Importantly, data should include rare yet ...
Mix and match networks (part 2)
This is a brief update on mix and match networks (M&MNets), describing the new ideas included in the extended version ...
MeRGANs: generating images without forgetting
The problem of catastrophic forgetting (a network forget previous tasks when learning a new one) and how to address it ...
Mix and match networks
We recently explored how we can take multiple seen image-to-image translators and reuse them to infer other unseen translations, in ...
Generative adversarial networks and image-to-image translation
Yet another post about generative adversarial networks (GANs), pix2pix and CycleGAN. You can already find lots of webs with great introductions to ...